Pak Navy is a sacred department of Pakistan force that sails on the oceans to protect the integrity of the country. This department put out different jobs throughout the year and you can apply for these Pak Navy jobs online . There are certain criteria that you guys have to follow if you wish to get a job in Pak navy . To Join Pak Navy first you need a valid CNIC. Having a CNIC will make you eligible to apply for the NAVY jobs from all over Pakistan. Usually, you can apply for PAK Navy jobs after SSC or HSSC education. But people with higher education can also apply for better jobs in the Navy to serve the country. Here we are going to discuss the online procedure to apply for Pak Navy jobs . Recruitments Before you apply for Navy jobs you should know that if you are applying for the Pak Navy Sailor job there are two batches in a year for sailor job. In the first batch, you will join PNS Himalaya in May and the second batch will join in November. Jobs You Can...